Music, Technology, and Human Speech
Interactive Keyboard Computer Instrument (2022 - )
Keys to a Voice is a research and development project diving into
Disklaviers, self-playing programmable pianos,
and how they intersect with human voice, language, and music.
// Progress Video | Successfully sending MIDI data between computer and Yamaha Disklavier
Click to play video or visit this link.
Keys to a Voice is a project inspired by Austrian composer Robert Ablinger's collaboration with computer-music engineer Winfried Ritsch in building a computer-controlled player (self-playing) piano. Their project gained more attention at the 2009 World Venice Forum, where the machine “spoke” the Proclamation of the European Environmental Criminal Court. I discovered this incredible work a decade later in 2019 and upon learning of it, I was surprised to find rather few extensions built upon this idea.
We live in a time where we have access to a world of different cultures, voices, and experiences. Attention on our differences has increased over the years raising awareness and support for social matters, but also giving rise to intolerance and discrimination between conflicting values and viewpoints. Inspired by Ablinger’s work, I want to research the intersections of technology, language, and music to develop art that focuses on our universally shared experiences of humanity, voice, and music; I want to champion a position that celebrates the similarities underlying our differences. More than ever, today’s isolating pandemic-stricken society could benefit from unity, remembering our collective humanness, and banding together in times of difficulty.