Colour-Hearing Interface + Motion Image Relaying Apparatus
Interactive Tabletop Instrument (2019 - 2022)
C.H.I.M.I.R.A. is a table-top instrument that manipulates sound with the interactions of colored objects. It is a hybrid customizable audio-visual instrument inspired by the experience of synesthesia.
// Demo Video | General
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C.H.I.M.I.R.A. started as an undergraduate Capstone Project under the direction of Dr. Keith Hamel at the UBC's Applied Music Technology Program directed by Dr. Robert Pritchard and Dr. Keith Hamel.
It is a technological pursuit to present and perform elements of sound with plainly correlated visual components. CHIMIRA aims to supplement the abstract experience of listening to sounds: to provoke the hearing experience in a novel, innovative, and accessibly meaningful manner.
// Presentation | 2019 Bang! Festival
Turning on Subtitles/Closed captions (CC) is recommended.
With the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, various performance and sound-generating modules accompanying the tracking and mapping abilities of C.H.I.M.I.R.A. are currently in development.